Big suggested i shave my beard that day so I did and never looked back…

Big suggested i shave my beard that day so I

#tbt Big suggested i shave my beard that day so I did and never looked back

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. capitol_of_texas

    Whoaaaa Biggie Smalls Chillin with Kurt Cobain. This is a legendary picture

  2. markeglo__

    Is that acc u?

  3. therealjayjack

    @capitol_of_texas thats a fake pic.

  4. 4thquarter77

    Wow! Classic picture..

  5. marco_her_torres


  6. stiffasice

    Please tell me this is a real pic

  7. sucram_nalla_eirtlum

    you wild funny for this @theallamericanbadgirl

  8. lordsdudesert

    Why do not you answer my messages, and I speak to you with respect. Are you conceited

  9. manuelgomez207

    K urt coubain and the notorius B.I.G

  10. 1.ariel.8


  11. nightcruisermusic



    Bad then each of them would’ve probably thought their reputations could’ve been compromised by such a picture.

  13. joflumbo

    was this before or after you started a shotgun tasting business?

  14. mattyaaliving

    😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 I just want to let you know you almost lost a fan for this joke

  15. suarezsergioenrique


  16. oneilshakur_

    We should shoot. How can we set that up.

  17. opiz973

    This might be one of the illest pictured ever

  18. he_solid4ever

    You a fool 😂😂😂😂😘

  19. rolemodelj

    You were cheddar bob?

  20. gyalchesterforever


  21. trav_yoloshi

    Late af but holy shit that cracked me up😂😂😂😂

  22. joshnraleigh

    Whoa! Where did you find this one?! This photo has to be worth money 💰

  23. peanutlive215


  24. sismoni.kafshdozk

    کرت کوبین سلطان 👑

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