@theallamericanbadgirl all natural thickness u know it’s real when the booty makes waves 🌊 like the sea 🌊 🍑🍑🍑. I might like motion sickness 😷 lol 😂 now that seen amy shake it so many times u get use to it no sea sickness for me. Salt life lol 😂 but never salty unless it’s fries 🍟 with a milkshake🥤 😝 😍❤️
😍Damn its like your fighting to keep two big ass floaties under water and they jus keep on popen up. Keep up the fight tho 👏
U ever been to SF? Maybe we can go on a date? @theallamericanbadgirl
@theallamericanbadgirl all natural thickness u know it’s real when the booty makes waves 🌊 like the sea 🌊 🍑🍑🍑. I might like motion sickness 😷 lol 😂 now that seen amy shake it so many times u get use to it no sea sickness for me. Salt life lol 😂 but never salty unless it’s fries 🍟 with a milkshake🥤 😝 😍❤️
@veggisteggis noe for deg ahh😁😍
Make a twerking vid without the slow mo
So beautiful
Yum 💦💦💦🖤🖤🧡🧡
1st time I didn’t mind ocean sickness
Édes “Istenem”- nő.
Çok güzeldi
So nice
Great slow motion
put it on my face♥♥