If. This. Ain’t. Meeeeee…


If. This. Ain’t. Meeeeee😂😂😂😂


This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. eldalegend

    Lol. This me. I legit just learned a dude’s name I went to high school (I’m old and washed so that’s a long time) with through Facebook people you may know. Dude dapped me every fucking day lol

  2. lalameans

    😩😭😭🤣 Yo AMY I’m stealing this 😆😂

  3. bshara.a.s

    Thats why i give my friends random names everytime we meet and tell them thats their name for today lol

  4. I just wait a bit and then say “oh my bad I didn’t introduce the the two of you. I’m sorry. That was rude” with a small pause. All of that makes them impatient and they both introduce themselves. It works about 80% of the time.

  5. brandknewhamez

    😂 I have 324 ways of covert name extraction falalalala!!!!!

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