Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister @briana_valente I love…

Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231864 874 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231866 350 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231866 80 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231867 90 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231867 529 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231868 141 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231870 403 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231870 261 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister1596231875 405 Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister

Happy 22nd birthday to my lil peanut headed little sister @briana_valente I love youuuu…. here are some random old weird ass pics of us lol

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. naytivson

    Those piercing eyes run in the family. Y’all can see straight through a brother!!!!

  2. cajun8098

    2 lovely ladies

  3. sanantkumarsingh


  4. awmartian47

    Aww hbd peace and God bless

  5. jessemonroe6


  6. honeyboy0060

    Both look soo niccd nd happy birthday to ur sis

  7. izayin


  8. henry.green.9041

    2 beautiful and gorgeous ladies looking breathtaking fine and naturally sweet and candy-delicious and double delicious and double the sweetness and double the pleasure

  9. adeel519


  10. junaidisembirink

    Cantik n kompak.

  11. mikeshannon255

    Super sexy woman

  12. beardedmexicano

    Awww happy birthday to your baby sis

  13. mikemasbee_novice

    powerful genetics in that family

  14. funphil25

    Yall so cute!

  15. da_notorious_ug_lee


  16. camlazer

    How come you don’t have long hair anymore ?

  17. marc.amarilla

    Happy Birthday Peanut 🌹

  18. kingg_kabba


  19. spidi_4u

    5 no. Pic. I heard tit for tat, now thats called titts on titts.😚

  20. qzeljevic

    I’m sorry but your sis is hotter out of the two ngl

  21. matioss__official

    Make your hair long again 😊

  22. rybynlmny


  23. rybynlmny


  24. a.100real


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