Amy Jackson It’d feel inaccurate to say considering I have pretty much a whole wig on each … Thick Ass

It’d feel inaccurate to say #nomakeup, considering I have pretty much a whole wig on each eye lid. #Showerfresh? #imperfectsmakeusbeautiful? Oh, wait… #nooneasked, #noonecares aaaand…

Continue ReadingAmy Jackson It’d feel inaccurate to say considering I have pretty much a whole wig on each … Thick Ass

Amy Jackson this song reminds me of being obnoxious with my best friends at the bar I KNO … PAWG

  🆙 this music reminds me of being obnoxious with my finest mates at the bar 😆🥰 I KNO DASS Proper!!!!!!!!! 💁🏼‍♀️🗯💁🏽‍♀️🗯💁🏻‍♀️🗯💁🏿‍♀️🗯 Amy Jackson

Continue ReadingAmy Jackson this song reminds me of being obnoxious with my best friends at the bar I KNO … PAWG