


This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. varunraikapoor

    Someone would read that as anus repairus 👻☠️

  2. gregryan3


  3. mikemasbee_novice

    magical medicine was not so great

  4. matt.2.ryan

    Same reason girls get butt jobs …. Issa look

  5. jro7291984

    Lmfao!! I laughed way too hard this

  6. thisiseames

    Big facts

  7. freskofadez


  8. funny_memez452

    Wait a fucking minute you’re right! Hermione fixed her goddamn teeth with magic

  9. aliadam80

    @jafarjeizan @lavot_210 😂😂👌😩

  10. magnus_wharwood_esq

    He was too obsessed with trying to stay alive. Hermione was the one who should’ve fixed his eyes the first time his glasses broke.

  11. iron_lion_868


  12. masasagiao


  13. _pmaison___

    Retinue repairus 😂 😂

  14. retro_pollo

    Maybe because he wanted to see bitches with fake eyes?

  15. g10115500


  16. malickpimpson


  17. malickpimpson


  18. wordsmithking

    This 😂

  19. msoliz34

    Because only evil witches and wizards use their powers for vanity or personal gain.

  20. shaner0510


  21. reno_gonzalez7

    Biological magic is different you muggle

  22. matissbojars33


  23. worldsbestwhistlerever


  24. dominiclauren23

    Lol he stupid as hell 🤣🤣🤣

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