I think I need a whole separate page for my DMs and my asinine responses warning…

I think I need a whole separate page for my

I think I need a whole separate page for my DMs and my asinine responses โš ๏ธwarning:shit gets weird โš ๏ธmore accurate warning:shits weird 99% of the time ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. abz.kalla

    @_shireshire mannnnnn๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. bcrme

    I have so many questions. But for starters: “@” the aunt

  3. dache_perrin


  4. darriushunt

    Yeah but… when we gonna get to see his auntโ“โ“โ“

  5. chefjrivera

    Not gonna lie, I was having a shitty day but reading kinda made it better. lol

  6. flamestarta


  7. jayrob2000


  8. scotttgeee

    Made my night lmao

  9. peteygreen211

    Were u the one that backed it up on me in the like blood bobby Valentino video in 2012? @fillmore

  10. peteygreen211


  11. peteygreen211

    @theallamericanbadgirl lookup

  12. peteygreen211

    I was an extra

  13. peteygreen211

    Were u the one that backed it up on me in the like blood bobby Valentino video in 2012? @fillmore

  14. peteygreen211

    In dc

  15. peteygreen211

    Deleted scene

  16. tristin_with_an_i_plz


  17. lakonian_trainee_300

    Well whatever theyโ€™re into :/

  18. dremarprime


  19. shawn_zaddy_bullard

    @theallamericanbadgirl hey DM. Did you get the flowers?

  20. anthonyv1307


  21. magacopp

    That would be a funny page.

  22. magacopp

    Donโ€™t post mine doe

  23. courtneyshunter


  24. chandra_sekhar22

    hey i your big fan from ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ

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