For all my that are also on the gram and have never heard of or …
For all my #feminists that are also #slutshaming on the gram and have never heard of #irony or #contraDICKtions 😂😂😂
For all my #feminists that are also #slutshaming on the gram and have never heard of #irony or #contraDICKtions 😂😂😂
.....MURRiCA!😂🇺🇸 $foramyjackson on cash app for anyone who focuses on the mess... pay for housekeepers to unpack my crap I flew in with last night…
Lmao I heard if it’s under 30 sec they might not come for me too hard off the copyright ish so let’s see what…
Stoop kids gonna leave his stoop👀
I do my best to keep my artsy and my fartsy at equal levels at all times, most of the time. Sometimes.
I worked sooo hard to edit some boring, sunless ass footage to be DOPE AF with the song from Fast Times and then instagram…
😂😭 hate it or love it there’s something hypnotic and mesmerizing about my Jigglypuff PokéBalls 😰😨🌀🌀 I might even miss my chunk when I…
Lmfao lil backfat betty gettin it innnnn😅🙌🏼💪🏼 you’re full of it if you try to say that last one isn’t the funniest lookin shit you’ll…
When he comes in looking like a shhhnickitty shnack 😛😍 btw if you zoom in you can see the legging mark and bruise on my…
May I ass you a question..? 😂😅🙄