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This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. pac_kamakazi

    Idk where you niggas are when it was hot but it’s been cold

  2. yarf_reign

    It’s cold asf over here wtf y’all on

  3. mga0010

    Come to New York

  4. ass_watcher

    30 in Chicago what the fuck u complaining about

  5. _dula__


  6. _dula__


  7. keoof

    WINTER IS COMING πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

  8. cibaobk

    Hot. Where?????

  9. juan.pedraza80

    πŸ–• u tooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. thekanoodler

    @taylorreannn omg 😭

  11. everyday_lolz

    It’s fucking snowing where I am

  12. grinch_that_stole_bitches


  13. william_reed17

    It’s cold where I am.

  14. realkingsimon

    How it October but yet I’m getting fucking 80 degree weather

  15. mrfinderskeeperz

    So true πŸ˜‚

  16. jlo_1369

    Where tf you at. This central Texas weather got us begging for the sun back

  17. nicky.bustamante

    Lmao πŸ˜‚

  18. daveyleeriot


  19. zulichology

    Aren’t you in NJ? The weather here is gorgeous lately

  20. imjaystackz


  21. therealjayswagger

    @theallamericanbadgirl you are hilarious naturally πŸ‘‘

  22. sweetromeo2u

    If you look on the right… I think he may actually be giving you a Stone Cold Double Bird πŸ˜‰ lol

  23. poppadockwestup

    Yo yo I took this pic like six years in the valley Poppadockwestup

  24. kuslizoltan

    this is for people,who break the Ten Commandments of God,for them there is no way to paradise,is not a joke,maybe for you is a joke, but think well about what you are doing in life

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